In the world of automotive sales, there are rare instances where everything aligns perfectly,...
The $145K Headache Avoided
When it comes to automotive sales, not every customer is as they seem. Fortunately, one of our dealer clients discovered this the easy way with the help of Gather. Here's what happened:
He appeared to be the ideal customer. Interested in purchasing a Land Rover, the customer went to the dealership's website, picked out a vehicle and negotiated the deal online. He arrived at the dealership with a hefty $25,000 deposit in hand and the title for his Volvo, which he planned to trade in.
At first glance, all seemed well as the customer presented what appeared to be a valid insurance card, issued December 12, 2023 for a six-month policy with Nationwide. However, when the dealership attempted to verify the insurance using Gather's platform, the customer's demeanor quickly shifted. Frustration set in as he dismissed the process as "BS" and then refused to allow the dealership to call his insurance agent for verification. The customer abruptly left the dealership, declaring that he had "run out of time."
Through Gather's thorough verification process, we uncovered the truth: the insurance policy the customer presented had been cancelled on January 5, 2024. Had the dealership proceeded with delivering the vehicle, they would have assumed substantial risk, as they would have been liable for the $145,000 cost of the vehicle should anything have happened before receiving funding on the contract. As the dealer client said, "You just saved me a $145,000 headache."
The takeaway? While appearances can be deceiving, relying on Gather's identity and insurance verification services ensures that your dealership is protected from potential risks, allowing you to navigate the sales process with confidence and peace of mind.